Defective Drugs and Dangerous Side Effects: What You Need to Know

Prescription medications are meant to improve lives, but when they fail, the results can be devastating. From heartburn remedies to painkillers, a troubling number of drugs have been linked to serious side effects, injuries, and even death. Manufacturers often prioritize profit over safety, leaving patients to bear the burden.  

At the Paul Powell Law Firm, we understand the challenges of facing defective drug claims. With over 20 years of experience, our dedicated team is here to guide you through your rights, your options, and the next steps toward justice. 

Types of Defective Drugs and Their Side Effects

  • Zantac was originally peddled to relieve heart burn and reduce acid reflux by reducing stomach acid. Prescription strength Zantac was used to fight ulcers. The drug eventually became available over the counter and is making headlines for containing a known carcinogen, N-nitroso-dimethylamine. This agent is known to cause liver cancer. Zantac’s manufacturer, Sanofi, and various distributors are currently being sued.  
  • Ambien is a drug with an interesting history. It was prescribed as a sleeping aid and/or for mood altering. It contains zolpidem which causes memory loss, addiction, and sleepwalking in some users. People talk about carry over grogginess after using it. Celebrities have claimed their out of character acts are due to it. One person used the drug as a defense against murder charges. Though the manufacturer has been sued multiple times, at the time of this writing, we are not aware of any situations that went to trial. Things were settled and the terms were not publicly disclosed. 
  • Birth control pills are known to adversely effect some people. On May 9, 1960, the FDA approved the first birth control pill for use. Over the course of all these years various suits have been brought against their manufacturers. Most recently Yaz and Yasmin are contraceptive pills that have over 18,000 lawsuits against its manufacturer, Bayer AG. Allegations have been made that they cause gall bladder issues, blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. The company denies the allegations.  
  • Thalidomide was prescribed to patients, many of them pregnant, in the 1950s and 60s to control things like morning sickness, nausea, and anxiety. What doctors did not know at the time was that it would cause miscarriages and birth defects! Thousands of babies worldwide suffered consequences, even coining a new term, Thalidomide Babies. Amid the onslaught of lawsuits, the product was withdrawn from the market. 60 years later cancer scientists recently profess to have discovered the cause. They say the drug alters proteins and cell genealogy. And in pursuit of the cause have learned interesting techniques in tracking human anatomy at the cellular level. Nevertheless, survivors still struggle to survive and to receive compensation and help. Suits regarding thalidomide occurred worldwide in nations like Britain, Germany, Spain, and most recently Australia. 
  • Oxycontin, manufactured by Purdue Pharma, is a pain killer that recently fell under the shadow of malicious marketing and profiteering at the expense of public health. When other opioids like hydrocodone, oxycodone, and Vicodin are accounted for we see what is known as the Opioid Epidemic. People became addicted to these prescription drugs. 
  • Covid-19 vaccinations are on the radar for many suspicious people today. Initially there are 3 of them: Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Moderna. They are being prescribed as an emergency treatment while Large Scale (Phase 3) clinical trials have not yet been completed. Adverse reactions have been reported, and allegations of death have been made. Johnson & Johnson dissemination was temporarily placed on hold at one point and Moderna is being investigated for heart inflammation. While accuracy regarding these drugs is still becoming clearer, unknowns remain.  
  • Defective medications If you have reason to believe the strength, quality, or dosage of your medicine was impure, corrupted, or substandard and caused you harm, come ask us about it. You may have experienced debilitating side effects or even permanent injury and you want to know what recourse you have.

Trust Paul Powell for Your Defective Drug Cases

Opinions of friends and futile internet searches are not facts. Ask those who know, the top-notch attorneys at the Paul Powell Law Firm. Protecting the rights and health of people for over 20 years, the attorneys at Paul Powell know what you don’t. They know how to help, and they want to help. They’ll listen, offer help, and determine the strength of your case.  

Their experience and the many assets they bring to bear, ensure the quality of information and the answers you get. And know this, when your case goes to settlement or decision, Paul Powell never takes more from your case than you get. He puts that in writing. More Lawyer. Less Fee. Paul Powell.