Understanding Pedestrian Accidents in Las Vegas: Causes and Prevention

When a car or truck meets a pedestrian, the vehicle ALWAYS wins! The question usually becomes “Who Was at Fault?”

In the Las Vegas Metro Area, pedestrian fatalities have significantly increased in recent years. While the city has experienced growth, the issue of distracted driving has reached unprecedented levels, impacting both drivers and pedestrians alike

Pedestrian accidents in Las Vegas are a growing problem, and if you or someone you love is hit or hits someone, it is now an intense personal problem. Explore further to see how we can contribute to preventing pedestrian accidents.  

Tips For Drivers: Be Aware!

With the exception of maybe New York City, Las Vegas has more jaywalkers per capita than any other city in America. And do not assume they are confined to The Strip. You can see dark shadows crossing mid-block all over town.

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and public sentiment have weighed in heavily against drunk driving, but have you ever considered “drunk walking”? In Vegas, people do that. You will see it from The Strip to the Boulder Strip to virtually any residential neighborhood. Just because a pedestrian looked at you doesn’t necessarily mean, them seeing you registered. Keep an eye on them.

It’s amazing how at night people will dress in dark clothing and then go out and dart between traffic. Sweep your eyes side to side to watch for them.

Additionally, as we would suspect most pedestrians are struck in urban areas. We drive through rural areas and mountains watching for deer. We are equally well advised to drive through cities with the same intensity watching for pedestrians.

Look AND LISTEN before crossing. Many pedestrians have been spared because they heard the vehicle coming! When you’re walking make listening for traffic an active habit.

Both Drivers and Pedestrians:

The answer is as variable as each incident. At the time of the accident, whether you are the walker or the driver, call emergency services as needed, immediately notify police authorities and have a report filed, exchange information with other parties, get contact information from witnesses, take photos of the scene, and obtain the services of a highly experienced pedestrian accident attorney from The Paul Powell Law Firm.

When involved in an accident, especially pedestrian to vehicle, take no chances! Take your questions to The Paul Powell Law Firm and get answers. And remember: Paul Powell will NEVER take more money than you after your case settles. We put it in writing. We believe injury victims deserve a voice for what is right and fair. More Lawyer. Less Fee.

Contact us for a free evaluation on your case.

An interesting side light:

You might think marijuana legalization caused an up-tick in pedestrian accident statistics. According to Metro Police, no marijuana impaired drivers struck pedestrians this past year. That does not rule out your case, possibly being the first.