Day of the Kings 2019

We spent the afternoon at the Boulevard mall working with La Buena 101.9 at their 3 Kings celebration (El Dia de Reyes). The firm sponsored the raffling of 35 bikes/safety helmets for kids. We wanted to raffle off more bikes but we were unable to due so due to the radio station restrictions. For a lot of these kids, even the older ones, they told Paul it was the first bike they ever received. It was cool to see how excited they were getting these bikes, their hearts filled with joy.

The most touching experience yesterday was one boy named Daniel won a bike. Instead of picking out a bigger bike, he picked out this tiny training bike. Paul said, “That is way too small for you! Have you ever had a bike?” He said “no I never have … but I’m giving this to my little brother instead.” ☹ Along with several other families, we got his mom’s info to make sure Daniel and his brothers will be happy bike riders for years to come.